RUSSELL HOLLINGSWORTH - 340 Southborough Drive, West Vancouver

West Vancouver, British Columbia
7,711 ft.²
20,947 ft.²
Year Built
British Properties
Peace and Tranquility best describes this exceptional EXECUTIVE ESTATE by renowned architect, RUSSELL HOLLINGSWORTH. Architectural elegance combines the carefully restored original with a new contemporary 4000 sq ft add-on built in 2017. EXTENDED NATURAL LIGHT & unique exposure to a vibrant flora. 7 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms in over 7700 square ft. An expansive, private landscape overlooks the majestic Capilano Golf Club. A serene tea room with floor to ceiling windows allows nature to flow through. Wrap around deck with multiple access points surround a zen like patio. An oversized wine cellar with tasting/Rec room, theatre room. Large storage bunker. Flat private driveway with parking for 8 cars. This ARCHITECTURAL beauty is only a short walk to Collingwood school.

西温的世外桃源 — Hollingsworth on Southborough Drive

欢迎来到 Hollingsworth on Southborough Drive, 西海岸现代设计的完美之作。 Russell Hollingsworth 是西海岸现代设计风格的鼻祖之一,西北温的售价较高的多栋豪宅都出自其手,包括UBC 法学院等都是其作品之一。 Hollingsworth原创初稿设计,2006年主体修建,2017年完成了后续4000余尺加盖。 占地面积近21000呎,7000呎的使用面积,7卧9浴的物业,背靠Capilano高尔夫球场。房子周边绿树成荫,后院朝南面对延绵的绿丘与蓝天,仿佛置身于世外桃源。三层的别致设计,大量落地窗将阳光倾入屋内。 天井的设计更让阳光给这栋物业增添了几分天然的渲染。 主层选择了开放式设计,但又巧妙的将不同区域分隔开来,包含超调高的会客厅,气派典雅,推拉门选择了质感的原木色,地板则为天然石色,更加凸显了物业本身的静谧与深沉 。客厅衔接着超大的环绕式阳台,在这里夏天可以烧烤,欣赏自然美景与家里的水池,在家也可如度假般轻松愉悦。 穿过如展馆般的长廊,来到厨房与餐厅,厨房内采用品质Miele牌电器 。设计将这个空间与主会客厅巧妙的隔开,较于主客厅,这里给人以舒适与温馨的感觉。更有中厨, 美食烹饪不在话下。 主层的茶室/阳光房更是给物业带来完全沉浸于自然的感受,温哥华绿意盎然的四季就以这样完美与原始的呈现在眼前。 沿着楼梯来到,楼上的主卧视野更加开阔,可以眺望远处。 收纳除了步入式衣柜,还有设计新颖的收纳墙。 楼下的温控酒窖、吧台、品酒室、影音室等等,都为招待朋友和娱乐的绝佳选择。 位置绝佳, 除比邻高尔夫球场外还近Collingwood学校与Hollyburn俱乐部。相较于房子的静谧感,后院由朝气蓬勃的绿植所环抱,四季展现不同的色彩,坐拥这样的物业,您也在这里成为美景的一部分. *Maximum effort has been made to provide information that is current and accurate. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. The information contained in this website is from a variety of sources; its accuracy and currency are not guaranteed.