Over a decade, Alfie has been a powerhouse agent in the West Vancouver and Vancouver luxury real estate market, firmly establishing herself in the top 1%. Alfie has broken sales price records in many subareas and is known for some of the largest transactions of all times.
Alfie’s success comes from her well rounded knowledge of the real estate market and her deep-rooted connection with different local communities. Over the years, she has built an exceptional infrastructure of advertising channels to ensure her listings effectively reach the targeted demographic. Her bilingual skills in Mandarin and English means her campaigns will reach and affect an even wider range of investors and homeowners. Combining these strengths with her outstanding negotiation skills and entrepreneurial mindset, it is not surprising why Alfie is one of the most trusted experts in Greater Vancouver.
“My philosophy is to offer a sincere, intelligent, and well-informed service to ensure that each client has the best possible experience in reaching their Real Estate goals. My approach uses innovative marketing solutions to present your property and effectively promote it. I understand Real Estate business practices from different facets and I am able to work with clients matching their requirements to those of the market.”
Alfie Yang 杨琼是温哥华一名顶尖1%的豪宅房地产经纪,从事房地产服务行业多年,具备独特敏锐的投资眼光、透彻的分析精神和充满激情的工作态度。她最关注的是有效的沟通和尽全力满足客户的需求。 通过专业精湛的知识和丰富的交易经验,无论您在出售物业,或帮助您购买自住及投资物业的过程中,都能提供真诚、巧妙和翔实的服务。
凭借多年的坚实生意背景,Alfie 在谈判、商业推广以及综合的网络营销方面拥有丰富的经验。 凭借高专业度、契而不舍和追求卓越细节服务的精神,Alfie 在豪华房地产和商业地产投资方面表现尤其突出。她专注服务于温哥华西区、温哥华Downtown,和西温北温等区域,建立了强大的本地关系网络,通过与华人圈和本地西人群体的连接,将多样化的市场推广方案高效运用到其代理的每一个物业和投资过程中。
“我相信‘优异服务、终身服务’。我的目标就是通过熟练经验和专业眼光,帮助最优化您的资产投资。” – Alfie 杨琼

behind the scenes of Vancouver luxury real etstae
Alfie takes you on a ride through her life as a luxury realtor in Vancouver sharing her experiences, lifestyle, and some of Vancouver’s most exquisite properties.